Saturday, January 21, 2006

Forgot What You Searched For? Google Didn't

Forgot What You Searched For? Google Didn't

The Justice Department may have done us all a big favor by issuing subpoenas to Internet search engines to find out what people are researching online.

Not because that data could help shield children from online porn, which was the government's stated goal in demanding data from Google and three other search firms.

Google refused to turn over search data, partly to avoid creating the perception that it would hand over more personal records if asked.
Google refused to turn over search data, partly to avoid creating the perception that it would hand over more personal records if asked. (By Clay Mclachlan -- Reuters)
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Rather, the request -- and Google's refusal to fork over its search data -- is putting a helpful public spotlight on the vast amount of personal information being stored, parsed and who knows what else by the Web services we increasingly rely on to manage our lives...

Think the stuff you search for in Google is private? Guess again folks! It's all saved on their servers. In the future, we can look forward to the feds crowbarring their way into our "private" Net lives.

The only thing I can suggest is the use of an anonymizing proxy.


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